Brian Shaw Videos

This page lists the Brian Shaw video discussions. You are welcome to comment below….

Brian Shaw and the Battler discuss the founding document of the Federation – The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901

Brian lays out the role of the Masons in our government and judiciary

How the Political Parties took out the Queen from the Constitution and tried to ram home an Australian Republic

How Joh Bjelke Petersen stopped the Australia Act and the attempt by the political parties to bring in an Australian Republic

Brian continues discussing Joh Bjelke Petersen

Brian and the Battler discuss the constitutional status of the recent Royal Commission

Brian exposes the Land Rates scam

Brian exposes how the Australian Republic Dictatorship works

The Battler and Brian Shaw discuss how to deal with the Commonwealth Bank

The Battler & Brian discuss why what happens in WA affects all Australians

The Australian Unlawful Republic

The Battler will be having more discussions with Brian soon. Keep listening!